論文雑誌Neuronの2021年6月2日号に掲載された理研CBSの村山正宜先生の論文のカバーイラストを、スペースタイム楢木佑佳(ディレクター)とSOFA GRAPHIC DESIGNの安達浩之さん(イラストレーション)の協働で作成。見事、カバーとして採用されました。
Fast, cell-resolution, contiguous-wide two-photon imaging to reveal functional network architectures across multi-modal cortical areas
DOIリンク: https://doi.org/10.
On the cover: The image represents the dynamics of sparklers, traditional Japanese fireworks. This is an artistic interpretation of the firings of many neurons and their small-world networks. Each sparkle dot represents a neuron and each line a functional link between them. Some neurons represented as large dots, termed hub neurons, have many connections. The patterns on the kimono also depict numerous neurons. In this issue of Neuron, Ota et al. (pages 1810–1824) monitor Ca2+ activity in >16,000 neurons (see Video S1) across multi-modal brain regions using their novel fast and wide-field two-photon microscope and discover rare hub-like neurons that fire in coordination with more than 100 other neurons. This is the first demonstration at single-cell resolution of cortical network architecture that has small-world, but not scale-free, properties. Artwork by Yuka Naraki.