
論文雑誌 Molecular Cell の表紙デザイン


Cellの姉妹紙molecular cellのNovember 19, 2015号の表紙に弊社スペースタイムとSofa Graphic Design社の協働デザインが採用されました。不思議の国のアリスをポリメラーゼに見立て、脂肪細胞にならずに前駆細胞で踏みとどまるクロマチンの仕組みを解明された酒井寿郎先生松村欣宏先生の研究論文に沿って描きました。

On the cover: Chromatin structure regulates gene transcription and cellular differentiation. Matsumura et al. (pp. 584–596) show H3K4/H3K9me3 bivalent chromatin domains keep key developmental genes in a poised state for activation and restrict the differentiation potential of preadipocytes. Alice (Pol II) stops just before a barrier of cards of nine (H3K9me3) near a thin rabbit (meaning pause of adipogenic program), while when the barrier is removed, she starts running toward a fat rabbit (meaning active adipogenic program). Cover artwork credits: Space-Time Inc., Sofa Graphic Design.

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